Monday, March 8, 2010

Casting Northpark

So I had a weird idea to cast Northpark Underground. This may be the nerdiest thing I've done on my blog. Oh well. Here's what I came up with.
Seth Rogen as Greg. This one is a little obvious, and it wouldn't be his normal character, but I actually think he would be great as Greg.
Shannyn Sossamon as Tess. I haven't seen that many of her movies, but her character in wristcutters is pretty much what Tess acts like. Also I'm pretty sure I was watching A Knights Tale while redesigning her hairstyle.
DaveFranco as Tad. This guy is by far the best pick out of the whole thing. He was like born to play Tad. I'm almost positive I stole that smile for Tad.
Joel Moore as Zak. Probably the weakest cast, and I feel like Zak would be a little better looking than this guy. But I always felt like Zak should be tall and kind of gawky, and this guy is.

I hope that was fun for everyone.

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