Wednesday, December 19, 2007


HEYO! post 100. Seems like it came faster than I thought. I've got a big annoucement this time as well (not as big as last time though). Check this:I've almost completed the next volume of Sam. And I'm going to be running it just like I did last time. A week long, a page a day with commentary. It's starts christmas eve and ends new years eve. P.S. this little promo add can also be used as a wallpaper, I sized it exactly. And for another extra on the 100th post, I'm gonna show you a page that I'm actually discarding from the issue.

This is the first page I've ever actually cut. I just really did not like how it turned out. It's not terrible, but I really think I can do better. Hopefully you'll see a new version when I put the issue out.

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