Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Early Years: Age 12

We're getting up there now. Age 12. Sam is starting to look older now. I kind of had 3 different age looks for Sam, this is the middle one. This page was made to really reinforce the fact that Sam's Dad has been drilling this stuff into him. This had to be done, or this first arc of Sam wouldn't really be believable.

As far as the art goes I really like this page, the only panel that really gets me is that last one. And actually I think it's all fine except for Sam's Dad. He's standing at the wrong angle. I think I might actually redraw that part for the final issue, because it really bothers me. But I really like the first two panels. I actually really like the pose Sam is in in the second panel. I also tried to really put this page in a setting, which is the family dojo. I hope you enjoyed this page.

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